Web hosting and domain registration , Features of web hosting.

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Why is web hosting important.


It provides space for applications or websites on the internet. When a website is available online it can be access through the internet.

https://www.liquibill.com/ It  is a service that you rent space on physical server where website files are stored. It  is an important factor for a website, to have a successful website high performing and reliable hosting is an essential.

Features of web hosting

Web hosting provides:

  • disk space
  • bandwidth
  • uptime to a website.

the primary reason for hosting is to provide easy access to a website on the internet


  • High Reliability and Uptime

Website uptime is basically the time a website is available to the user over a period of time.

Uptime is represented in a ratio of time available divided by total time for instance hosting providers calculate the uptime ratio either monthly or yearly increment.

Providers consider 99.99% as the high uptime availability but the goal is 100% because , the server uptime and reliability is how often a website is accessible online

  • Bandwidth and Storage

The  server transmits  data   measured using hosting bandwidth.

Different Hosting plans have bandwidth limitation as a result, the limitation is for  determining  the amount of data to  download or upload from the server

You should also put storage into consideration, the storage limit varies depending on the hosting company and the hosting plan.

Large amount of data  and videos consumes  much storage, for instance or you are storing and collecting user data on your website

  • Domain-Associated Email Address

To look professional you need branded email address that are using your domain name, for instance your domain is mydomain.com then you can create email addresses such as info@mydomain.com

If you usually reach out to your customer through email then using a Gmail account could be the last thing.

Domain associated email address makes you look professional while reaching out to your customers

To find out more about web hosting and how it can benefit your business, contact us today