What is E-commerce Website Design and its features

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E-commerce website design

E-commerce Website Design


E-commerce Website Design is an online platform that facilitates buying and selling of goods and services, through means of transferring information and funds over the internet.

Reason for having an E-commerce Website Design

  • Increased customer reach: One is able to reach a broader audience as the business is conducted online.

Types of E-commerce Website Design

  • Business-to-Business(B2B): It is an internet commerce transaction of goods and services between companies.
  • Business-to-Consumer(B2C): Transaction of goods and services, between companies and consumer carried out over the internet
  • Consumer-to-Consumer(C2C): It is the transaction of goods and services between consumers mostly through a third party via the internet
  • Consumer-to-Business(C2B): Internet commerce transaction of goods and services where individuals of products or services to companies.
  • Ease of navigation: This facilitates clients to be able to browse through the store and find the products that they need.
  • Simple: The design and layout of the website should be simple and easy to use, so as to improve the user experience.
  • High quality photos and videos: The photos and videos should have a good quality as those visiting the website will judge the products based on the visuals. Having quality photos and videos as a result  clients have an easier judgement when buying.
  • Accurate product description: One should have a good description that matches the actual product.
  • Performance and speed: Fast loading times is important to getting a good ranking on google, therefore the site loading slowly it discourages the client.
  • Easy checkout: The checkout process should be simple thus it should not involve many steps.
  • Clear policies: There should be policies put in place ,as a result  it protects shoppers as well as merchants.
  • Mobile- friendly: The E-commerce website should be mobile friendly, as a result customers can access it from their phones and tablets.
  • Branded: The branding should match with the purpose, and the business profile.


  • Increased customer reach.
  • Facilitates Brand promotion
  • Reduces Geographical restrictions, as a result its accessible from anywhere
  • It is more convenient therefore it is available all times.