Web Hosting services and Email Hosting in Kenya

Contact Info

Garden Estate Road, Cedar Court, Block A Room A3 & A7

+254 720 727 460


How web hosting works


Web hosting service provides storage and connectivity that allows publication accessibility of website services on the www.


Web hosting makes sure the server is up and running.

-Web host also prevents any security breaches and stores all files and assets and database on the server.


  • Domain name registration: Each website needs a unique domain name.
  • Speed: This is based on how fast the website loads its essential to its success because  speed affects customers experience on the website.
  • Storage: One should choose a type of hosting that can accommodate the size of the site.
  • Bandwidth: Bandwidth needs vary from site-to-site. The web hosting services should offer the band width space that meets the requirements of the website.
  • Uptime: The servers should be running as close as to 100% of the time as possible.
  • Email accounts: Different hosting packages offer varying number of email accounts per website as a result, one should look for hosting package that meets the need of the website.
  • Support: Having a reliable technical support from your web hosting service provider is also essential to effectively running a website, for instance.


  • Shared hosting: This is a type of hosting where different websites share the same server.
  • Word press hosting: Means hosting that has been optimized for word press on a server level to ensure smooth sailing.
  • VPS hosting (Virtual private server): Websites run on VPS share a physical server with other websites.
  • Dedicated hosting: The user has the entire server to him or herself.

Benefits of web hosting

  • Improved site performance: Optimum site performance is important for a business as a result, users won’t wait for long for a page to load.
  • Technical support: Technical support is provided thus it allows all technical issues to be addressed promptly, thus giving customer satisfaction.
  • Liberty in web design: Professional web hosting services do not limit their users in terms of design and templates. Meaning one can create custom website as per the branding strategy.
  • Speed and Up-Time Reliability
  • Security Backup Facilities

To find out what is web hosting and how it can benefit your business, contact us today: +254720727460