How web hosting works and what to consider for hosting provider.

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How web hosting works

How web hosting works

Definition of web hosting

Web hosting is referred to as a service which provides storage space on a server for a website. Additionally, when the website is available on the internet, it is easily accessible over the internet.

Definition of Web host providers

Web hosts can be referred to as companies which provide services as well as technologies for hosting websites on the internet. As a result, when hosting a website,users can access the website by searching the domain name of your site on the browser. Therefore, the user’s computer connects to the server which is hosting the website and as a result the user is able to access the website on the browser

Factors to consider for choosing the right hosting package

  • Understanding the requirements of the website

Before settling on any hosting providers, one should carry out a research to know which web host providers are available and who among the providers has the packages that meet your website requirements.

  • Consider the server uptime scores

One should consider if the host providers provide support 99.9% as well as, taking into consideration, if their servers are always up and running and are they always available.

The stability of the hosting providers matters a lot as if their uptime scores are poor then it’s not advantageous to your website.

  • Possibility of upgrading the hosting plan.

The hosting plan is available in different packages, the user selects the hosting package which meets the website requirements. A user may consider upgrading the current hosting plan to a higher package.

  • Take into consideration the cost

The hosting plan has two prices. The initial price while signing up,as well as, the renewal price. In different occasions the signing up price varies from the renewal price.

  • Backup Availability

Backup availability is very important to a website. User should choose a reliable host provider who meets the requirement of the website, the host provider should be able to provide the data of your website in a state of crash or failure.

  • Availability of support.

The host providers should be able to offer support 24/7..

  • Performance and speed.

The host provider’s server should be reliable,stable , responsive and should have good speed.