To Increase Traffic To A Website and strategies to use

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Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Website

Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Website

  • Google Search Advertisement

Using Google Ads, one has to make payment for the website to appear at the top of search results page for particular keywords. When entering a query using those keywords, Google looks for all accounts bidding on those keywords .

It then , makes a display and ranking of the paid results based on the impact and the quality of the advertisement

How pay ads work

Paid search results appear first, at the very top of results pages. This strategy is of importance in relation to generating traffic to the website by visitors.The user only pays for the ad if the visitor makes an action on the ad.

Optimization of content for search engines is a valuable measure for increasing traffic on the website. One maximize the use of image alt text, creation of internal links as well as having meta descriptions. As a result, this will facilitate towards boosting the organic traffic

  • Get Social

Creating good content, it is not all that is needed to reach potential and current consumers. Therefore, in order to increase traffic on the website, one should make use of the social media channel to promote their content.

  • Make Sure Your Site is Responsive

When developing a website one should ensure that the website is accessible across the various devices and that it is responsive. Most of the consumers browse on the internet and if a site is slow and unresponsive they usually check out from that website. Thus one should ensure that his or her website is responsive across all devices inclusive of mobile devices and that the website has good performance and speed.

  • Make Sure Your Site is fast

Most of the consumers browse on the internet and if a site is slow and unresponsive they usually check out from that website. Thus one should ensure that his or her website is responsive across all devices inclusive of mobile devices and that the website has good performance and speed. Additionally, one should ensure that the pages are optimized, cause the faster the website the better the performance.