Essential Tips for Creating a Professional Web Design in Kenya - Webcom Kenya

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professional web design

According to Kenyan web developers, a well-crafted website is always the first contact point between companies and their potential customers. A professional web design can make a permanent impression, imparting confidence and trust in visitors. These essential tips will enable you to craft a professional design that delivers a superb user experience.

  1. Creating a Simple Homepage Helps in Crafting a Professional Web Design

Best web designers in Kenya create a simple but effective homepage for their client’s websites. Too much information on the homepage overwhelms visitors to a website, deterring leads. A homepage should include visual elements instead of a block of text to engage and encourage visitors to continue browsing. Besides, website designers in Kenya recommend including only essential information on the homepage.

  1. Prioritize User-friendly Navigation

The navigation menu is one of the significant parts of a website. Most e-commerce website developers in Kenya organize items logically, use clear labels, and consider using a sticky navigation bar or a mega-menu for larger websites. Customers interested in finding information on your website will use your navigation. If you are not a professional web designer, consider including a web design price in Kenya on your budget for experts to develop one. This will enable people to find information on your site without struggle.

  1. Use a Responsive Design

A responsive design is also significant because it affects users’ experience on your website. When you have a responsive website design in Kenya, it adapts to any device a user uses. This tip enables each user to see your site in a manner that fits their device, whether it is a desktop or mobile phone. This design allows users to have fun and attracts more traffic to your website. Indeed, this explains why most website design companies in Kenya recommend this design.

  1. Incorporate social media icons

If you are hiring a web designer / developer, check if their website packages in Kenya include incorporating social media icons on a site. Social media helps customers connect with your business. Social media builds a direct link with leads; thus, fixing these icons on your website is essential. Customers often click these icons to follow your page if it is attractive.

  1. Test your Pages

Testing your pages after following these tips for crafting a professional website is essential. This is a magnificent way of creating a functional site for your target market and can save you additional web design costs in Kenya. Testing your pages lets you see where clients struggle on the website and adjust depending on these concerns. Trying your pages will help you design a site that attracts more conversions and leads.


The above tips help you develop a professional website with a superb user experience. Design is a continuous effort, and understanding contemporary industry trends and user experience can make your website effective and competitive. A professional design requires an expert and does not affect e-commerce website prices in Kenya.