Common Mistakes to Avoid During the Domain Registration Process - Webcom Kenya

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domain registration process

The domain registration process is an important step in the success of a business with an online presence. Domain name registration in Kenya builds a professional identity for a business, attracts more clients, and boosts a website’s search engine ranking. However, most people make mistakes during this process, affecting the performance of their websites. This article discusses common mistakes to avoid when registering a domain name.

  1. Avoid Hyphens During the Domain Registration Process

Kenya domain registrar discourage the use of hyphens in a domain name. Putting hyphens in a domain name makes it difficult for clients to remember your website. Additionally, hyphens in a name makes it challenging for search engines to find your site. When you buy a domain in Kenya, you should check if the name has hyphens. This will allow you to change it before completing the registration process.

  1. Do not Use Hard to Spell Domain Names

Using an easy to spell domain name makes your brand easy to remember and saves clients from typing errors, leading them to other websites. In other words, a difficult to spell domain name can result in the lose of traffic and potential customers. This is the most common mistake first-time website owners commit while seeking for uniqueness in their brands. Ensure the names you choose are simple as you consider cheap domains in Kenya.

  1. Avoid Using Numbers

When you buy domains Kenya, avoid using numbers in the name because they make them difficult to type and remember. Using numbers in domain names can make you lose potential customers. For example, a website address like can make you lose traffic because customers may forget the numbers in it.

  1. Do not Use Long Domain Names

This is also one of the most common mistakes people make during domain registration and hosting in Kenya. People do not like typing long domains and others might find it difficult to remember. For instance, you should not register a domain, such as since it makes the name even difficult to read. Generally, select a short domain, easy to type, and remember.

  1. Avoid Abbreviations

Using your company’s abbreviations can also make the domain name difficult to remember and type in the web browser. This kind of names also make it hard to identify your brand or products. As a result, you might lose potential customers to rival companies. Even though ESPN can make a good domain name, using is an abbreviation that experts discourage.

  1. Do not Ignore Trademarks

Before you register domain Kenya, check if the selected name is associated with any trademark. If there is, then consider unique alternative options. Choosing a domain name associated with trademarks can market the already established brand with the name, making you lose customers. It can also land you into legal trouble, making you incur additional expenses that you can avoid.


These are a few common mistakes that you can avoid during the domain registration process for your business. Following these tips can help you create a successful domain name that will assist you in building and promoting an effective online presence. Other than domain prices in Kenya, it is important to remember this domain registration advice in mind as you start your website development process. Ignoring this information can have a negative impact on your business.