Top Dos and Don't s of Domain Name Registration for Your Website - Webcom Kenya

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domain name registration

Domain name registration in Kenya is a significant step when setting up websites. A domain name plays a crucial role in one’s marketing, branding, and general online presence. Consider the following dos and don’t s to ensure you buy the right cheap domains in Kenya for your websites.

Dos of Domain Name Registration for your Website

  1. Keep it simple and memorable: According to the Kenyan name registrar, a domain name should be easy to type and remember. Clients and other visitors are likely to grasp short, concise, and relevant names in their minds. Therefore, avoid hard-to-spell or complex words.
  2. Use keywords: Include relevant keywords associated with your website’s purpose or content in your domain name. Using this strategy during domain registration and hosting in Kenya enhances your website’s search engine ranking, making it more visible.
  3. Choose the right domain name extension: Even though .com is the most common domain extension, you can use other options like .org, .net, or another location-specific extension, such as or, if they are relevant to your target audience or business.
  4. Check for Availability: Before you buy a domain in Kenya, use the registration services to check if your desired name is available. Have alternatives in mind in case the first selection exists. Besides, research trademarks to avoid breaching someone else’s intellectual property. This can save your brand from legal concerns in the future.
  5. Consider growth: Think about the future when selecting a domain name. Choose a name that can accommodate possible changes or expansions in your business in case the website evolves with time.

The Don’t s of Domain Name Registration for your Website

  1. Do not choose a name similar to existing websites: Registering a domain name that resembles that of a well-established brand can result in brand confusion and possible legal concerns.
  2. Do not use numbers or hyphens: As you register a domain in Kenya, avoid using numbers and hyphens because they can be confusing and make the name difficult to remember.
  3. Do not rush the decision: Consider various options before settling for a specific domain name. Rushing this decision can result in future regrets.
  4. Do not overlook social media compatibility: Other than considering domain prices in Kenya, ensure that the name you select a name that is available on famous social media platforms.
  5. Do not forget about pronunciation: Check how the chosen name sounds when spoken aloud. Do not settle for words that can be misunderstood or mispronounced. Misinterpretation or mispronunciation can limit the traffic on your website since the domain name is not memorable.
  6. Do not settle for a trademark infringement: Registering domain names that violate other brands’ trademarks can lead to legal consequences. Therefore, you should conduct due diligence before settling for a specific domain name.


In conclusion, a domain name is a significant aspect of a website’s identity and success. When you buy domains in Kenya, consider the above dos and don’t s to boost your chances of selecting a name that effectively represents your brand and is easy for clients to remember and find. Do not make rushed decisions since the domain name you chose will be an asset that represents your online presence for numerous years.