Domain Name Brand Protection - Webcom Kenya

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Garden Estate Road, Cedar Court, Block A Room A3 & A7

+254 720 727 460

Domain Name Brand Protection is the art of protecting your business and brand over the internet. For any business aiming at having an online presence, a domain name is the most basic asset they will require. The domain name acts as the address of your digital property. It helps build brand recognition, gives the first impression to online visitors about your brand, and even affects the visibility of your website. It is thus vital to ensure that you carefully pick a domain name that doesn’t hurt your online marketing campaigns. The best domain names are simple, unique, and distinguishable from the competition.

Domain branding threats

The reputation of a given brand is definitely one of the essential considerations for the business or organization. When you have invested a lot of time and efforts building a brand, you do not want to suffer reputation damage. In the online world, cybers squatting remains one of the biggest threats to domain brand protection.

Cyber squatting is a process where other persons target your online audience. The cyber squatters can be a major threat to your domain branding, considering that they work to intentionally mislead your company partners and customers. They achieve this goal by creating domain names using variations of your trademarked brand name. This means that customers looking for your brand online can end up to a different website created by these fraudulent cyber squatters. Using a domain name similar to your business, they can also send emails to internet users posing as representatives of your company.

Steps toward domain brand protection

Domain brand protection will entail several steps and a wide range of tasks. Here are some useful tips to guide you.

1.      Use a trustworthy domain registration company

Domain branding starts with the domain registration service that you select. It is advisable to with a reputable and accredited domain registration company in Nairobi such as Webcom Kenya.

The best domain registration service will protect your domain by prohibiting any change, transfer or deletion of the domain without your authorization.

2.      Always keep an eye on the expiration dates

To avoid losing your domain name, it is vital to monitor the expiration date. You can consider registering the domain for a long duration, such as 10 years, or check whether the registrar allows for auto renewal to avoid the expiration of the domain.

3.      Monitor similar domain names

Some organizations register alternative versions of their domain name to help prevent typosquatting. Customers that accidentally mistype your domain will be redirected to your website.

Learn more about domain branding by visiting our website. Follow Webcom Kenya on Facebook to learn more about domain registration and our other services.