What is Web Hosting Beginner Guide - Webcom Kenya

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How web hosting works

When one aims at stating a business in the real world, one of the steps they take is looking for a physical location for their offices, shop or store. It is the same case even in the digital world.

If you are looking to establish an online presence for your business, you will require investing in a business website. The website acts as the face of your business on the internet. Internet users visit the website to learn about the services you provide, goods that you sell, or any other information about your brand.

To set up the business online, you will have a series of files, HTML codes, and images as part of the website. All these files require a place to live, thus the need for a web hosting service.

What Is Web Hosting?

Web hosting is simply renting some storage space on the internet for your business website. A hosting provider offers space on web servers to store your files or website. This ensures that your website is available online whenever a browser is looking to visit. Web hosting allows you to publish website files on the internet.

Types of web hosting

Before you are out to find a reliable and reputable web hosting company, it is essential to understand various types of web hosting available. This helps you understand the best web hosting package for your website. They include:

·         Shared Hosting

This is the most common type of web hosting with online business owners. This is a type of hosting where different customers share the storage space from one powerful server. This is the most affordable web hosting plan and it is also easy to use.

·         Dedicated hosting

In dedicated hosting, the website gets a server all by itself. They do not share the storage space with other internet users. This gives you full control over the servers. It is also possible to customize software and hardware depending on your needs.

·         Virtual private server

Just like in the case of shared hosting, virtual private server (VPS) runs on shared physical server for different customers. However, each website has its own partition and you enjoy guaranteed dedicated resources. You will enjoy more storage, memory, and processing power than in the case of shared hosting, but at a price lower than a dedicated server.

·         Cloud hosting

This is one of the common hosting plans in recent times. In this case, you do not rely on the disk space of a single server. You enjoy power from several resources and this ensures you do not experience downtime. You also have the chance to grow the cloud space depending on the needs of your website.

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