The Impact of Mobile Responsive Design on Kenyan Websites - Webcom Kenya

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Mobile Responsive Design

The increase of affordable smartphones and accessible mobile data plans has seen most online business adopt a mobile responsive design to reach Kenyans who access internet through their phones. Mobile responsive web design is a website development strategy that ensures sites adapt and display seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes, including desktops, smartphones, and tablets. The practice includes creating scalable fonts, flexible layouts, and fluid images to give users optimal viewing experiences, irrespective of the device they are using. This article explores the effect of mobile responsive design on Kenyan websites below.

A Mobile Responsive Design Provides Better Accessibility

One benefit of having a mobile-friendly website in Kenya is increase of its accessibility to any device. Individuals can access a site faster and easier when it is geared towards mobile internet. This kind of design enables individuals or businesses to target a specific audience in their advertisements using demographic data, which can grow your brand and boost the number of clients. Indeed, this is a convenient option for providing products and services to your customers.

Mobile-friendly Websites Have Faster Loading Times

Using mobile design best practices in developing your individual or business website makes faster loading times an asset. Sharing information on a website attracts people to interact with you online and slow loading times can make customers prefer other sites to yours. A mobile practice that can boost your website’s loading times on tablets, phones, or desktops is upgrading your servers. Furthermore, optimizing websites to operate on mobile devices improves their performance.

Improve Search Engine Rankings

An SEO responsive design ensures that websites have higher search engine rankings on Google. Most websites appear at the top of the search results because they use mobile SEO. Mobile-friendly websites increase their chances of appearing on top when users conduct searches relating to your business. Google algorithms also favor websites that employ mobile responsive designs. Therefore, businesses and individuals should prioritize the strategy of optimizing websites with mobile devices.

Increase Customer Engagement Times on Websites

Using a mobile web design increases the number of potential customers that stumble on your site in Kenya. An average user’s opinion of your website is formed in 50 milliseconds. They decide in less than a second whether to stay and take a look around or to switch to another tab after closing this one. You should ensure that your website has created a positive first impression in that brief amount of time. It is a positive thing that your websites are now user-friendly and fast. The worst combination for making a first impression is having a website that loads slowly, has broken layouts, and provides a poor user experience. Even if one of these drawbacks is present on your website, it may make visitors depart more quickly.

Improve Your Brand’s Reputation and Credibility

A magnificent first impression of a website is based on the ease of use, beautiful layouts, and faster loading times. Mobile optimization increases your brand’s reputation and credibility. It establishes a great first impression, enabling users to share testimonials and experiences to other potential customers, which is a free marketing strategy of the excellent experiences and services you provide. Ensuring that your site is mobile-friendly also increases your competitiveness since a website is a brand’s front office on the internet and it should look good.


Responsive website development can positively impact Kenyan websites in various ways. This involves using a mobile responsive design which boosts your brand’s reputation and credibility, improve search engine rankings, provides better accessibility, ensure faster loading times, and increase customer engagement times on websites. Generally, mobile responsive websites are the best in this era of increased internet access through devices with different screen sizes.