What is System Mpesa Payment Integration? - Webcom Kenya

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What is System Mpesa Payment Integration?

What is System Mpesa Payment Integration?

Mpesa payment integration is the process of integrating mpesa paybill or till number with your system such that your system is capable of autodetecting any payment that is made to your pay bill.

What is System Mpesa Payment Integration?

For example

  • let’s say you have an eCommerce where you sell beauty products online and clients can order online.
  • You have a playbill or till number where client pay after purchasing the products

Therefore when a client comes to your eCommerce and picks the items that they want to purchase, they add the item to a shopping cart and then proceed to check out. At the checkout point, you can allow the client to place an order and make the payment later or the client has to pay before submitting the order.

In a case where the client has to pay in order to submit the order your system or the e-commerce prompt the client to make the apartment then after successful payment, the system automatically detects that payment and submit that particular order and mark it as paid.

Mpesa payment integration allows a smooth flow of the transaction from the beginning to the end without human intervention and therefore it saves you time and money.


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