Eight factors to consider when choosing a domain name - Webcom Kenya

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   Eight factors to consider when choosing a domain name

  1. Careful selection of the Top-Level Domain Extension

A Top Level Domain (TLD) refers to the piece of the domain which comes after the site’s name.  Most commonly used TLDs are .com, .net, and .org.

  1. Strategic incorporation of keywords

Domain names play a big role, as for the search engines to understand the purpose of the site it uses domain name thus helping with the ranking. Search engines use domain name to understand what your site is about and help determine search rankings. So it’s important to include keywords where it is possible.

The keywords one chooses for their domain it should be of relevance to their website. Accurate representation of content is important.

  1. Selection of a domain name which is easy to spell and pronounce.

It is important to consider aa domain name which is easy to spell  when choosing  a domain name which is easy to remember and pronounce it is powerful source in advertising.

  1. Choose a short domain name.

Short domain names are easy to remember thus serve an important role in branding.

  1. Use Unique domain names

A domain name which is unique helps in building brand promotion.

  1. Pick a Flexible Domain Name

The user should select a domain name which is flexible and can be able to grow a website   thus building brand promotion.  There should be room for expanding.

  1. Research about the preferred domain name.

User should search to determine if the preferred domain name is available for registration.


  1. Protect Your Brand by using Multiple Domains

If the domain name is available in every TLD, then purchase the domain in every TLD.

Good selection on where to register a domain name.

After selecting a domain name, one is required to choose a registrar. The company which is going to register your domain.

When searching for a registrar, below are some of the features to consider:

  • Domain transfer policy
  • Creation of subdomains
  • Pricing
  • Privacy protection of the domain
  • Expiration Policy