Best 3 Ways On How to Choose the Right Domain SSL Certificate in Kenya - Webcom Kenya

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Domain SSL Certificate in Kenya

Using a domain SSL certificate in Kenya is no longer an optional security measure. The certificate is also crucial in winning users’ trust and boosting their confidence, increasing profits for business owners. The SSL certificate is becoming an essential aspect of administering data security for institutions online. Nevertheless, selecting the right SSL certificate can be challenging given that there are numerous SSLs accessible. This article will discuss various tips on how to select the right SSL certificate for your domain in Kenya.

Check the Validation Level to Use when Choosing Domain SSL Certificate in Kenya

Validation is an important procedure from the cyber security perspective since it ensures that the SSL certificate is given to legitimate organizations or individuals. The nature of validation relies on the type of domain SSL certificate in Kenya one wants to acquire. This varies from one certificate to another. There are three kinds of SSL certificates as far as the validation level is concerned. These certificates are;

  • Domain validation (DV) certificate: It is the most basic kind of SSL certificate. It needs a minimal verification level. DV certificate requires confirmation of domain ownership only.
  • Organization validation (OV) certificate: This is an upgrade of the DV SSL certificate. It is also referred to as business authentication. However, OV SSL shows information about the organization. The issuer must submit documents to testify to the organization’s legitimacy.
  • Extended validation certificate: This is the best domain SSL certificate in Kenya because it provides the topmost authentication level. EV SSL displays recognizable trust signs and the company’s name in the address bar during installation.

The Certificate Authority (CA) Reputation

It is advisable to check the certificate authority’s reputation when choosing the right domain SSL certificate in Kenya. As far as CA, the issuer is concerned, there are numerous options to choose from. Therefore, it is essential to choose the best from the long list. One can tell the best CA by researching the market share of available options. The best CA has a huge responsibility because it is entrusted by many users worldwide.

Customer Support

Customer support is a factor to consider when choosing the best domain SSL certificate in Kenya. Accessing customer support saves organizations and individuals from trouble. A good SSL provider should offer 247 customer support. The support could be through calls, email, and chat.


There are several factors influencing the price of domain SSL certificate in Kenya. These factors include validation period, brand, and the type of SSL. An organization or individual should consider all these factors when choosing an SSL certificate. Ensure that the SSL certificate you want to install is within your budget.

Warranty Amount

One should also consider the warranty amount when choosing a domain SSL certificate in Kenya. The warranty amount is often directly proportional to the validation level of the SSL to be installed. The higher the validation level, the higher the warranty amount. The CA refunds the amount in case of a fraudulent accident with your clients.


Choosing an appropriate domain SSL certificate in Kenya is crucial. This is because it protects your users and website from cyber criminals. Factors discussed in this article can assist you to choose the right SSL certificate.