Importance Of a Website To Your Business - Webcom Kenya

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Importance of Having a Website

A business website is almost becoming a necessity for every business in modern times. The increased use of the smartphones, laptops, tablets and other modern gadgets has increased the number of internet users around the globe. The internet world makes it easier for people to connect, find or share information, and enhance the quality of life.

You need to establish an online presence

The increase in the number of people with access, especially here in Kenya, has led to numerous businesses also establishing an online presence. The basic step to achieve this goal is investing in a business website. A website acts as the reference point for your marketing activities on the internet. It helps you display your products or services, share essential information about your brand, and even allows your clients to place an order.

Benefits of a website to your business

Here are some vital benefits that come with investing in a site.

·         24/7 online presence

In the case of your physical store, there are times customers cannot access your products or services. In Kenya, for instance, not every town or city operates as a 24-hour economy. A website allows customers to access products or even services anywhere and at any time. Late night, on weekends, on a public holiday, or any non-business hours, customers can access information they require from the comfort of their home or office.

·         Increased brand awareness

Most customers turn to the internet to research about a product before they commit to a purchase. Having a business website ensures you have access to new customer acquisition channels. A potential customer making a search can find themselves on your website and end up making a purchase.

·         Access to new market

By choosing to invest in a web design services, you get access to new markets. A local store is limited to customers within the geographical area. On the other hand, a site acts as the doorway to global market. You are able to reach audiences in geographically distant areas. In Kenya, you can have a business in Nairobi, but get orders from customers in rural areas, or even outside the country. Anyone can access the website from any location around the globe.

·         New marketing methods

Opting to have an online presence for your brand opens doors to new marketing strategies. The best part online marketing strategies is that they are measurable. There are platforms and tools that hep you analyze the effectiveness of your digital marketing strategies.

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