4 Simple Benefits of Dedicated Server Hosting for Business - Webcom Kenya

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Dedicated Server

Besides the affordable dedicated server hosting pricenumerous benefits make it the best hosting solution. Dedicated server hosting is a hosting plan where a business leases an entire server for exclusive use. The web host maintains the server, but the business controls all components of setting up and manages sites that are placed on that server. Dedicated hosting packages can include robust technical support services and various aspects of managed hosting. Dedicated server hosting packages are typically more costly than other web hosting solutions, but their benefits offset the costs for users with specific needs. Below are some benefits of dedicated server hosting for business.

  1. Better site performance: Despite the dedicated server hosting price, the solution offers better performance than shared hosting because the server’s resources are meant for the business. All server RAM, bandwidth, and other resources are dedicated to that website. This makes the site stable and loads faster with less downtime risk or other performance issues. Better site performance results in a quality user experience that improves a brand’s reputation for reliability and trust.
  2. Improved security and privacy: Dedicated server hosting eradicates most of the security issues users experience in shared hosting environments. There is no risk of infection with viruses or malware from other sites because the website does not share its servers. Furthermore, this hosting solution provides improved security features, including intrusion detection, regular security updates, dedicated firewalls, and prevention systems. Dedicated servers also allow businesses to install security measures, ensuring their applications and data are secure. Therefore, this is essential for websites that handle sensitive data, such as financial and health information.
  3. Full customization and flexibility: Although some people and organizations claim that the dedicated server hosting price is high, businesses have complete control over the server’s configuration, including operating systems, hardware, and software. This enables users to customize their servers based on their needs and optimize them for enhanced performance. Shared hosting offers limited space and resources, hindering growth, while dedicated hosting offers unlimited scalability for a website’s life.
  4. Technical support: Dedicated server hosting provides comprehensive technical support, offering businesses expert assistance and help whenever required. Some dedicated hosting solutions are platform-specific, supporting WordPress and other website builders. This hosting plan ensures that issues are resolved quickly, minimizing downtime and confirming that the server operates smoothly.

How to Properly Maintain and Optimize Dedicated Server for Performance

Maintaining and optimizing a dedicated server is among the factors supporting final-user satisfaction. Maintaining and optimizing servers as the business or site grows is essential to actively monitor security, functionality, availability, and other processes. Maintaining and optimizing a dedicated server is critical for reliability and optimal performance.

  1. Adjust priority settings: The first tip for maintaining and optimizing a dedicated server for better performance is to change the priority settings. Each server follows a specific priority list while handling a given task. This is often a default priority order. Therefore, making changes per your needs enhances the performance of your website.
  2. Get a proxy server: Compared to the dedicated server hosting price, securing a proxy server is the most expensive option, but it offers 24/7 services if you use this hosting solution. Your site may not experience performance issues if your data is deleted or corrupted or your server goes down. Proxy servers resolve the issue by continuing their responsibilities without any breaches. The proxy server loads a working copy of the website and responds as a backup when the central server is experiencing problems. Therefore, having a proxy server is the best way of maintaining and optimizing a dedicated server for better performance.
  3. Enable caching: This is among the best ways of maintaining and optimizing dedicated servers because it enhances the performance of web applications by decreasing the number of requests made to the server. Enabling caching allows a browser to store important website information when opening the site. The next time you use the browser, a significant proportion of website information is automatically stored in the browser. This implies that less data need to be derived from the servers. As a result, the website saves a lot of effort leading to a faster speed and better performance.
  4. Initiate regular updates: Another tip for maintaining and optimizing a dedicated server is updating it regularly to fix security locks to enhance performance. You should do regular updates when the traffic is considerably lower. Furthermore, review the vendor’s update certification to guarantee that the update is reliable and appropriate for your requirements. Regular updates make the dedicated server hosting price worth incurring.

Tips and Best Practices for Updating Software and Security Patches on Dedicated Servers

Even though dedicated server hosting offers impressive features and better performance to a website, security remains an issue and should be prioritized. This implies that updating software and security patches on a dedicated server is essential to keep it secure and enhance its performance. Below are tips and best practices for updating software and security patches on a dedicated server:

  1. Initiate regular backups: Backing up your information is essential because anything can happen, and you can lose your data due to a cyber assault or a technical error. Before installing security patches or any software, ensure you fully back up the dedicated server. This restores your details if anything goes wrong during the update process.
  2. Install updates regularly: Most individuals overlook this practice making their websites vulnerable to cyber-attack. This is the reason why most of the users perceive the dedicated server hosting price as expensive. A remedy to this perspective is to ensure the server is up-to-date with the latest software updates and security patch versions.
  3. Use a test environment: Before updating software and security patches on your production server, test them in a non-production environment. This can enable you to recognize issues arising during the updating process.
  4. Follow release notes: Reading release notes for each software and security patch you want to update is essential. This allows you to understand the fixes and changes in the update. As a result, you can recognize any potential issues or conflicts with your server.

Following these tips and practices can assist in keeping your server updated and improving its performance, giving you a value equal to the dedicated server hosting price.