Common Mistakes to Avoid When Registering a Domain in Kenya - Webcom Kenya

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Registering a Domain in Kenya

Registering a domain in Kenya is a fundamental step for attaining success in the online space. In Kenya and other nations, the domain registration process includes various considerations and mistakes. One should handle the domain registration process with care to avoid various mistakes that can affect success of their businesses. The following are common mistakes that one should avoid during domain registration in Kenya.

Choosing the Wrong Name When Registering a Domain in Kenya

A domain name is the foundation of a brand’s online identity, therefore, an individual or company should choose wisely. One of the domain registration tips for Kenya that can help in avoiding these mistakes is using a simple name that is easy to spell and remember. The domain name should also be relevant to your business or brand and easy to pronounce.

Ignoring Domain Registration Guidelines

Domain registration rules and regulations differ in different countries. Kenya Network Information Centre (KENIC) govern domain names in Kenya. Understanding KENIC’s domain registration rules ensures compliance and familiarizes a business or individuals with mistakes to avoid in Kenya domain registration. Failure to observe these guidelines can lead to rejection or delay of the domain registration request.

Not Searching Available Domain Names

An individual or a business research availability of their preferred domain name before registration. Availability of a domain name does not mean that is the appropriate choice for your brand. Conducting a thorough search is one of Kenya domain name registration best practices to avoid using trademarked domain names. Use domain registration platforms to check ownership or availability of domain names.

Selecting the Wrong Domain Registrar

Selecting the wrong domain registrar is one of the top mistakes in Kenya domain registration that first-time domain name owners make. The domain registrar one chooses can affect their experience with domain registration and management. Select a reputable registrar with a clean track record of good customer support, reliability, and security. Lastly, consider factors, such as renewal fees, user interface, pricing, and additional services when choosing a registrar.

Not Securing SSL Certificates

Security is a significant aspect to consider during domain registration in today’s digital landscape. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificated encrypt information shared between a website and its visitors, ensuring a secure connection. A secure site is signified by a padlock icon in the browser’s address bar. One of the common errors when registering a domain in Kenya is overlooking SSL certificate since it weakens a website’s security and reduces trust and credibility with the audience.


Understanding domain registration dos and don’ts in Kenya contributes to the creation of a strong online presence for your personal brand or business. A domain name is an important component of your online brand image and identity and avoiding common domain registration mistakes ensures its success in the digital landscape. Therefore, you should take your time to choose wisely and follow recommended best practices when registering a domain in Kenya. You should also be informed about domain registration requirements and guidelines before buying a domain.