SQL database connection from a different cPanel - Step Guide - Webcom Kenya

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SQL database connection from a different cPanel – Step Guide

SQL database connection from a different cPanel, you can follow these steps:

An SQL (Structured Query Language) is a language used to manage relational databases. A SQL database connection is a link or channel that allows an application to communicate with a SQL database.

When a user or an application connects to a SQL database, a connection is established between the user/application and the database server. This connection enables the user/application to send SQL commands to the database server, which can then respond with data, execute operations, or return error messages.

In order to establish a SQL database connection, the user/application typically needs to provide several pieces of information, such as the database server name, the database name, authentication credentials, and optionally, any additional connection parameters. Once the connection is established, the user/application can then execute SQL statements and queries, retrieve data from the database, or perform other operations as needed.

SQL database connections can be established through various means, such as through a graphical user interface, a command-line interface, or through application programming interfaces (APIs) such as JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), or ADO.NET (ActiveX Data Objects .NET).

Below are step guide on how to remotely connect to an SQL database that is hosted on a different cpanel.

  1. Log in to the cPanel of the website where the SQL database is located.
  2. Under the “Databases” section, click on “Remote MySQL”.
  3. Add the IP address of the server you want to connect from in the “Add Access Host” field.
  4. Click on the “Add Host” button.
  5. Go to the cPanel of the website where you want to connect to the SQL database.
  6. Under the “Databases” section, click on “MySQL Databases”.
  7. Create a new database user or use an existing one.
  8. Add the user to the SQL database you want to connect to by clicking on “Add User to Database”.
  9. Select the user and database from the dropdown menus and click on “Add”.
  10. In your website’s code or application, use the credentials of the database user you created to connect to the SQL database.

Note: Make sure that the IP address of the server you want to connect from is whitelisted in the “Remote MySQL” section of the cPanel where the SQL database is located. Additionally, it’s recommended to use secure database connections, such as SSL or SSH, when connecting to a remote SQL database.

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