How To Set up Email Filters on the cPanel - Webcom Kenya

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How To Set up Email Filters on the cPanel

How To Set up Email Filters on the cPanel
Email filters is serve the purpose of specifying how to handle email messages by setting up filters. Emails can be discarded, sent to another program or sent to another email address. Any email that signals spam or phishing content is automatically moved to a separate folder.

1. Login to the cPanel, using  the URL to the cpanel i.e., then enter the cPanel login details to access the cpanel

2. On the cPanel search for ‘email’ select ‘ Email Filters’

How To Set up Email Filters on the Cpanel

3. On the new window click on ‘Manage Filter under the email address that you want to create filter.

How To Set up Email Filters on the Cpanel

4. On the new window click on ‘create new filter’

How To Set up Email Filters on the Cpanel

5. On the new window fill the entries, enter the name of the filter, specify the rule, and then define the action. Then click ‘create’.

How To Set up Email Filters on the Cpanel

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