How to Restore Website Backup on CPanel - Webcom Kenya

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How to Restore Website Backup on CPanel

Our Hosting plans come with inbuild automatic website backup software that performs backup procedures twice a week. This helps you check and restore website backup on Cpanel in case your website crashes or gets hacked.

Below is a step by step procedure on how you can restore website backup on CPanel

  • Access the Cpanel login panel through and using your Cpanel username and password (the username and password was sent to your email)
  • Once on the cpanel Navigate yo FILES and then JetBackup. Click on the JetBackup icon as shown below 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

Restore Website Backup on CPanel

  • Then click on Full Backup

You will see a list of available backups together with the backup date.

Click on the Restore button and then click on Add to Restore Queue

Wait for your selected backup to be restored successfully. you will receive a success message after a successful backup restore.

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