How To Redirect Http To Https Using .Htaccess
How To Redirect Http To Https Using .Htaccess
1. Login to the cPanel, use the URL that was provided i.e., then enter the cPanel login details to access the cPanel.
2. On the cPanel search for ‘File Manager’.
3. On the new window, Look for the public_html directory. The public_html directory is your web root, the directory in which you want to store all your website files. Click on ‘public_html’.
4. On the new tab look for .htaccess file if you can’t find the file you can search on the hidden files. Right click on ‘.htaccess file’ and click edit.
5. On the new window paste the following code and save, replace with your domain name.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]
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