How to Manage Emails Disk Usage - Webcom Kenya

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How to Manage Emails Disk Usage

How to Manage Emails Disk Usage through webmail

This utility helps to delete some emails from the mailbox

  1. On your browser type yourdomainname/webmail i.e.
  2. In the new window enter your email address and password
  3. Webmail homepage window will open, ‘Roundcube’ is set as the default webmail client, check on the checkbox ‘Open my inbox when I log in” then click ‘open’. You will be logged in to webmail. On webmail homepage tab, click on ‘Webmail home’

How to Manage Emails Disk Usage through webmail

  1. On the new tab under other webmail features click on’ Manage Disk Usage’


How to Manage Emails Disk Usage through webmail

  1. Click on the ’Manage’ on the drop-down menu select the criteria for deleting the emails then click on ‘Delete Permanently’

How to Manage Emails Disk Usage through webmail

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