How to Launch a Website Using Website Builders - Webcom Kenya

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How to Launch a Website Using Website Builders

How to launch a website using website builders

We provide variety of website templates all you need is to purchase web hosting and domain to access the websites templates together with our website builder. To access the website builder follow the steps below.

1.Login to the cPanel, use the URL that was provided i.e., then enter the cPanel login details to access the cPanel

2. On the cpanel search for ‘Sitepad’ select on the option ’Sitepad website builders’

How to launch a website using website builders

3. On the new window select on the option’ Add new site’

How to launch a website using website builders

4. On the new window click on ‘Get started’

How to launch a website using website builders

5. On the new window select the theme that you would like to use to design your website. There are variety of theme category.

How to launch a website using website builders

6. On the new window you will be required to enter the site details then click on ‘proceed and install’

How to launch a website using website builders

To purchase web hosting and domain click here

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