How to Enable Two Factor Authentication on Your cPanel - Webcom Kenya

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How to Enable Two Factor Authentication on Your cPanel

How to Enable Two Factor Authentication on Your cPanel

Two-factor-authentication is used to ensure your server is not compromised with lost or shared passwords. To login to your cPanel you must use two method of authentication; the cPanel username and password and a special generated code. You are required to install google authenticator to be scan the generated code.

1. Login to the cPanel, use the URL that was provided i.e., then enter the cPanel login details to access the cPanel

2. On the cPanel under ‘security’ select ‘Two-Factor Authentication’

How to Enable Two Factor Authentication on Your Cpanel

3. On the new window click ‘ setup two-factor authentication’

4. On the new window, you can now setup the two-factor-authentication, use the google authenticator app to scan the QR code then enter the security code generated by your authentication app then click on ‘configure two-factor-authentication’, you will receive a success message to confirm that two-factor-authentication has been configured.

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