How to Create an Add-on Domain - Webcom Kenya

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How to Create an Add-on Domain

How to Create an Add-On Domain on the cPanel 

cPanel simplifies website management, and one of its powerful features is the ability to host multiple domains under a single hosting account through the use of add on domains. This allows users to efficiently manage multiple websites without the need for separate hosting accounts. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating an add on domain on cPanel.

An add-on domain is a fully functional domain that is separate from the main domain that you add on your existing hosting.

1. Login to the cPanel, use the URL that was provided i.e., then enter the cPanel login details to access the cpanel

2. On the cPanel search for’ Domains’ select ‘add-on domains’

How to Create an Add On Domain


3. On the new window, enter the add-on domain that you want to create then click ‘add’. You will receive a confirmation message that the add on domain has been created successfully

How to Create an Add On Domain

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