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How to Change Name Servers from cPanel

How to Change Name Servers from cPanel


How to Change Name Servers from cPanel


Understanding Name Servers and Their Purpose

In the world of website management and domain administration, name servers play a vital role. They are an essential component of the Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure, enabling the translation of human-readable domain names into machine-readable IP addresses. In this article, we will explore the concept of name servers and delve into their purpose in the online ecosystem.

I. Definition of Name Servers

A name server, also known as a DNS server, is a specialized computer or software that maintains a database of domain names and their corresponding IP addresses. It acts as a directory for translating domain names, such as, into the numerical IP addresses understood by computers and servers.

II. Name Server Hierarchy

  1. Root Name Servers: These servers maintain the top-level domain (TLD) information, such as .com, .org, .net, etc., and provide referrals to the appropriate TLD name servers.
  2. Top-Level Domain (TLD) Name Servers: These servers handle the specific TLD information and direct queries to the authoritative name servers responsible for individual domain names within that TLD.
  3. Authoritative Name Servers: These servers hold the actual DNS records for domain names and provide the accurate IP address information upon request.

III. Purpose of Name Servers

  1. Domain Name Resolution: The primary purpose of name servers is to facilitate the translation of domain names into IP addresses. When a user enters a domain name in a web browser, the name server system is queried to find the associated IP address, allowing the browser to connect to the correct server and retrieve the website.
  2. Load Balancing: Name servers can distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers to ensure optimal performance and prevent overloading.
  3. Redundancy and Fault Tolerance: By using multiple name servers, redundancy is achieved, which enhances reliability and ensures that if one server fails, others can still provide the necessary DNS information.
  4. Domain Management: Name servers allow website owners to manage DNS records, including setting up subdomains, creating email addresses associated with the domain, and implementing various DNS configurations.

Name servers serve as the backbone of the DNS infrastructure, enabling the translation of user-friendly domain names into machine-readable IP addresses. Their purpose extends beyond simple domain resolution, encompassing load balancing, fault tolerance, and domain management. Understanding the role and importance of name servers is essential for effective website management and ensuring smooth online experiences for users.

How to Change Name Servers from cPanel

How to Change Name Servers from cPanel is a crucial step when you need to migrate your website to a new hosting provider or make DNS-related modifications. Understanding the process can seem daunting, but with the right guidance, it becomes a manageable task. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to change name servers from cPanel, ensuring a smooth transition for your website.

I. Logging in to cPanel 

  1. Begin by accessing your cPanel account provided by your hosting provider.
  2. Use the credentials provided to log in to your cPanel dashboard.
  3. Once logged in, you will be presented with a range of options and tools to manage your website.

II. Navigating to the Domains Section 

  1. Locate the “Domains” section in your cPanel dashboard. It may be prominently displayed or found within the “Advanced” or “Domain” category.
  2. Click on the “Domains” option to proceed.
  3. A list of your domain names associated with your cPanel account will be displayed.

III. Selecting the Domain and Accessing DNS Settings 

  1. Identify the specific domain for which you want to change the name servers.
  2. Click on the respective domain name to access its settings.
  3. Look for the “Name Servers” or “DNS” option. This is where you can modify your name server information.

IV. Updating Name Servers 

  1. In the “Name Servers” or “DNS” section, you will find the current name servers associated with your domain.
  2. Locate the option to edit or modify the name servers.
  3. Obtain the new name servers provided by your new hosting provider or the ones you wish to use.
  4. Enter the new name server details in the appropriate fields.
  5. Double-check the accuracy of the information you have entered.
  6. Save the changes to update the name servers for your domain.

How to Change Name Servers from cPanelV. Allowing for DNS Propagation

  1. DNS propagation refers to the time it takes for the updated name server information to spread across the internet.
  2. Keep in mind that DNS propagation can take several hours to up to 48 hours.
  3. During this period, your website may experience intermittent accessibility as different DNS servers update their records.
  4. It is advisable to refrain from making further DNS changes until the propagation is complete.
  5. Patience is key, as the process is dependent on various factors, including your internet service provider and geographical location.

How to Change Name Servers from cPanel is a fundamental aspect of managing your website’s domain and ensuring a smooth transition when switching hosting providers or making DNS changes. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can confidently navigate cPanel’s interface and modify your name server settings accurately. Remember to allow sufficient time for DNS propagation to take place, allowing your website to be fully accessible once again. If you encounter any difficulties, reach out to your hosting provider’s support team for assistance. you can also read  more on Steps to migrate a website to new hosting provider through this link

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